Polish Infographic:
In this infographic rectanglars are used to divide subject matter considering the Polish state. Plums and tans are used as neutral tones. The top section discusses the geography of Poland, cities, and basic structure. The middle section is divided between lanuage, gender, religion, important holidays, and ethnic groups. Lastly, the bottom section has a timeline of Polish history. This section can be removed to make the infographic into a 11x17 poster.
Pull down banner, 11x17 infographic poster, and 11x22 infographic.
Poland Infographic
Client: Personal Project
Concept: To create a infographic that informs its audience about the country and culture of Poland. This is accomplished through the use of charts, graphics, a timeline, and visual elements that discuss the various elements that make up Polish society and culture.
Description: Two infographics: 11x22 and 11x17.
Discipline: Information Graphics